Known as Shukra in Vedic Astrology, Venus is a benevolent planet. The conjunctional position of the planet with other malefic planets or in an uncomplimentary birth chart offers worse effects on people. Venus is a soft, feminine, and one of the biggest planets in the solar system. Its wrong position on birth charts offers adverse effects, however, these effects can be reduced or controlled according to the Vedic Astrology.

Venus is responsible for love, marriage, beauty, aesthetics, romance, fashion, and creativity. While a good Venus can bring love, propriety, and sensual delights, on the other hand, the negative effect can spoil everything. You can reduce the negative effects of Venus by trying the remedies. According to Vedic Astrology, some effective remedies can help in staying away from the negative consequences of Venus. In this blog post, we are going to discuss the remedies that might help you. Hence, let’s start reading —

Impacts of Venus:

Venus offers good fortune, health, and prosperity when it is positioned in the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 11th house of birth charts. People with a good Venus position enjoy wealth and happiness. On the other hand, the wrong position of the planet in birth charts makes people stressed and ill.

Remedies for weak Venus:

  • According to the characteristics of Venus, the planet loves white and pink. Wearing these two colors will reduce the negative effects of Venus.
  • People who are struggling with the negative impacts should respect their wives.
  • Another powerful treatment is to give food to children and widows.
  • Maintaining a decent character will help you too.
  • You can worship Goddess Laxmi to gain blessings from the planet. Every Thursday you should worship and eat vegetarian food.
  • Another way to solve your issue is to have fast. Every Friday you can fast for having Venus’s graces.
  • According to Vedic Astrology, Venus loves those who donate. From food to metal, you can donate anything on Friday.
  • Wearing silver jewelry and diamonds, opals, and white topaz reduces the negative influence of Venus.

Facing negative influence from Venus is nothing unusual thing these days. And getting relief from the issues is easy too. By trying the mentioned remedies according to Vedic Astrology, people can enjoy a happy life. Jyotirmoyee Sushmita is a renowned astrologer in Kolkata, who has abundant knowledge in Vedic Astrology. For any queries related to astrology or numerology, you can visit her.