Numbers have been used throughout history to predict future events and give insight into human behavior. Numerology is the study of numbers and their significance in our lives. Numerology is the study of numbers and their influence on our lives. Numerology is based on the belief that everything in the universe is connected by certain mathematical relationships. These relationships are called numbers.
Why are Numbers used in Human Life?
The word numerology comes from the Latin word “numen”, meaning divine power. In ancient times, people believed that the number of gods they worshiped dictated their fate. Today, numbers are used to understand self and others. These are used to take decisions about love, money, work, education, and even health. They are not there only for the purpose of mathematical calculations.
Numerology is based on the belief that everything in the universe is governed by certain rules and laws. These laws govern us and affect our daily lives. Our thoughts, words, actions, emotions, physical bodies, and even our destiny are all affected by these laws.
In numerology, the number system is used to interpret these laws and understand how they affect us. There are different types of numerology, including Western, Vedic, Chinese, Arabic, Egyptian, and Hebrew. Each type of numerology interprets the same universal laws differently. In Eastern Numerology, the sum of the digits – the first two digits of your birth month and day – determines your personality traits.
Significance of Numbers 1 – 10 in Human Life
Number 1
Number One is the first number in the series of numbers. Number One represents the beginning of everything. It is the first day of the week, the first letter of the alphabet, the first month of the year, and the first number in any sequence. In numerology, the number one symbolizes the individual who is at the top of his game. He is at the peak of his career, he is successful, and he is happy. He is also the leader of the group and the person who sets the example for others.
Number 2
The second number in the series of numerals is two. Two represent duality. Duality means that something exists in both good and bad forms. A two is always balanced and even-tempered. If someone is a two, they have a strong sense of justice and fairness. They are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. They know how to compromise and work together with others.
Number 3
Three is the third number in the series of numerals. Three represents balance. Balance is represented by three things being equal. When we think about three, we think of three people, three sides of a triangle, or three points in a line. Three is the perfect number. It is the number of balances. If someone is born under this sign they are said to have a balanced personality.
Number 4
Four is the fourth number in the series of numerical values. Four represents completion. Completion is represented by four things being completed. When we think about four, we think of four seasons, four directions, and four corners. We also think of the four elements; earth, air, fire, and water.
It is associated with the number of the heart chakra, which is located at the centre of the chest. When the heart chakra is balanced, we feel calm, peaceful, and happy. If it is out of balance, we may experience anxiety, fear, and worry.
Number 5
Five is the fifth number in the series of numeric values. Five represents abundance. Abundance is represented by five things. When we think about five, we think of five fingers, five senses, five years, and five dollars.
The fifth number is associated with the throat chakra, which is responsible for communication. When the throat chakra is balanced, our voice sounds clear and strong. If it is out-of-balance, we may have trouble expressing ourselves clearly.
Number 6
Six is the sixth number in the series of numeral values. Six represents partnership. The partnership is represented by six people working together. When we think about six, we think of six months, six degrees of separation, and six letters in the English language.
Number six represents intuition and creativity. It is associated with our sixth sense, which is called extrasensory perception (ESP). When the sixth chakra is balanced, people are able to receive information about others without actually seeing them. If it is outbalanced, we may not be able to trust our own instincts.
Number 7
Seven is the seventh number in the series of number values. Seven represents perfection. Perfection is represented by seven days in a week, seven colors in the rainbow, and seven notes in music.
When you look at the number seven, you may notice that it is composed of two parts. One is the number three and the other is the number four. In fact, the number seven is the sum of these two numbers. If you take a closer look at the number seven and its meaning, you will find out that it represents balance, harmony, and stability. These characteristics make the number seven a good number to have in your life.
Number 8
The number eight symbolizes success, prosperity, and abundance. To achieve success, you need to work hard and put forth effort. You should always strive to do your best and never give up. If you want to experience abundance in your life, then you need to focus on being positive and optimistic. Always remember that everything happens for a reason.
Number 8 is associated with the earth element and is represented by the color green.
Number 9
Nine is the number of achievements. Nine is the last digit of the number nine. It is the final step towards reaching your goals. If you want to reach your goal, then you need to keep working hard until you succeed. Once you accomplish what you set out to do, then you will feel complete and satisfied.
It is considered to be the master number and represents a sense of fulfilment. It is associated with fire and is represented by the colors red and orange. People who are born under this sign are often creative and artistic.
Number 10
Number ten is the number of spirituality. It is the highest number in the decimal system. It is the perfect combination of the first nine numbers. It is the ultimate number. It represents divine power and wisdom. It is the number of enlightenment. Number ten is considered to be the ender. It represents death and rebirth. It is associated with air and is represented by the blue color. Those born under this sign are said to be spiritual and intuitive.
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