Pisces is the 12th and last sing of our zodiac System. You are a compassionat sing, Pisces always doing for others and rarely taking time for yourself. You will find Youeself taking a more responsible attitude to all your affairs, from work to partners and your family.
Lets you express yourself more fully more in tune with who you really are, conditions in your life are rapidly changing, new people, new opportunities, new discoveries.
Saturn is posited in 10th house and aspects on your 4th house and 7th house—Just stay positive and take time to solve misunderstanding.
Talking about the education of pieces students Mercury is 4th house planet and Moon the 5th house connected with mind and basic education.
Jupiter helps the mind of students sharpen and learn things quicker than usual. Students can expect an excellent result.
Students who are involved in higher studies may face problems.
Neglecting your health during exams might lead to poor results Try to be more focused and work harder.
Hard work at the workplace may not yield desirable results and you may feel depressed due to Circumstances.
Good news for job seekers they can get a job but the job can be an unwanted place.
Fear of loss of a job may keep you stressed.
Your colleagues may create obstacles to your growth.
You might get a transfer or get relocated in this period. You will do to the best of your ability and are likely to finish all targets on time.
The Year will end with good news for people who are planning to work for the government.
There will be enough opportunities in business life. Jupiter will be in a rare and happy, mutual reception aspect with the lord of your 9th house. So prosperity is going to be big, greater than you expect.
Pisces need to feel comfortable before going on date. Moon rules romance, even if you are committed to someone it will enhance, the affairs. Love fluctuates for Pisces as the moon wanes and wanes. When it is growing in light, from every new moon to the full moon for a two week, you are happy in love. Sometimes frustration or sadness will come in your love life.
You will be happiest in a relationship with someone who cares you every moment.
Words may be spoken as Mercury rules your marriage sector so always use words carefully to express your love.
Partners who are planning for marriage they can go ahead. Exchange of gifts and surprises are likely between couples in laster part of the year.
If you have childres then you can give them more attention and they may can be supportive of your family and spent quality times with your family members.
Health should happen good. 2018 you should pay more attention to your heart, spine knees and overall skeletal alignment.
As per your horoscope your might felt stressed, pressurized and some physical tiredness may previd upon you.
Your working nature and wrong eating habits may cause some serious problems.
Remember the health is wealth if you neglect it you may have to pay for it.