Right from birth, we are accustomed to a certain lifestyle provided to us by our parents. How does this lifestyle become possible? If our parents are comfortably off, our life becomes easier. Having money gives us confidence, freedom, financial control and the choice to live our life our way. But while money is needed for things that help us to stay happily comfortable, money can’t buy happiness. People with excessive wealth may sometimes lose track of their purpose for earning it and become hoarders allowing money to control them, while some crave for money and are subject to ordinary lives that do not allow them to live in comfort or with basic dignity. At the very onset, you must understand that having or not having enough money largely has to do with your planetary position. But through good practices supported by the power of Rudraksha, you can easily overcome difficult situations, and regain peace and happiness in your life while attracting enough wealth and fortune.
How to attract wealth and good fortune?
People come to me seeking a remedy to this problem. My advice to them is to keep healthy. Good health leads to a positive attitude. If the family environment is stable and your relationships are in harmony, you will be in the right mental frame to make the best decisions that will help you in earning or making money. Thinking positively will help you to look at the brighter side of things. A positive disposition will help you meet like-minded people that will further your ambitions to make money. It is always good to be grateful to people and situations who have helped you to build your assets. Humility begets good fortune. People who brag about their small accomplishments seldom go far or retain their wealth. Earning wealth is no mean feat and requires hard work, planning and dedication. Without these, it is difficult to keep and grow wealth. Those who do it honestly gain humility naturally. Be proactive in your work, for hard work is your best friend when it comes to earning or making money.
The difference between earning money and making money
Money, said to be the root of all evil, is an essential ingredient of life. It requires respect and proper management. There are two ways of procuring money, one is earning it and the other is making it. Each in its place demands hard work and intelligence.
Earning, as the word suggests, is procuring money for services rendered or for a work done. You get a fixed amount over some time, like a day, week or month. It can also be some contractual work related to a service for the benefactor. We often talk about earning as making money. But there is a difference between “earning” money and “making” money. Although the words are often interchanged, they are not the same thing.
Making money involves procuring money through various means. It could be investments that help fast money growth. This could involve both legitimate and illegitimate means. Thus inheriting, begging, betting, blackmailing, stealing, extorting etc. are ways to make money. You may make money through fair or foul means. Your choice depends on your personal integrity. Earning through compromised methods may help you to grow rich but greatly punctures the value sets of your life. You end up being stigmatized and sometimes if you lose money, you continue to hold the stigma despite being a pauper. Inclination to make quick money through unfair means is largely due to some malefics in your birth chart. Visiting an Astro guide will help you overcome these tendencies.
The psychology behind money
Money behaviour followed by people is not always rational. Either we spend too much or too less out of guilt. So how can we define our relationship with money? Money management has a positive impact on your financial status which reflects on every other aspect. This feeling of stability and assurance reflects on your personal, social and professional life.
To delve deeper into the psychology of money, let us go through the impacts of what having money or not having enough can have on lives. Money gives rise to emotions like shame for not having enough or a feeling of guilt if you have too much while others don’t. There can be envy at seeing another person wealthier than you. Some of my clients who come to me share their feelings with me. They feel that not having enough money puts them at a disadvantage with their friends. Their low finances put hurdles on their way. They do not plan on health insurance or create safety plans for retirement or work out a sensible budget for themselves. They would rather choose to remain ignorant than work on means that will help them grow their money.
Procrastinating is a way of avoiding that helps them to reduce anxiety. Instead of a reality check on their financial situation with goal setting and planning, they prefer to avoid the issue. There could be huge responsibilities like their child’s education, but just because the thought causes anxiety, they choose to avoid it. By constantly avoiding financial concerns that cause stress, they snowball the intensity of their financial disaster.
Avoidance of anxiety directly impacts mental and physical health. People get depressed and take solace in alcohol. Excessive alcohol or any other addiction taken to avoid a certain financial situation leads to poor judgement, secretive nature and in general jeopardises life. All of this reflects negatively on personal, social and professional life. People who are more inclined to depression are those that lack financial responsibilities. With no proactiveness to change their situation, a lack of purpose and energy in their endeavours, they feel despondent and hopeless.
Family plays a significant role in financial management and disposition towards money. The mindset has thankfully changed now, but I remember sometime ago a father came with his daughter’s birth chart for marriage. The girl had brilliant career possibilities, and she was displaying it by working as a software engineer in a top MNC. However, her father was more inclined in seeing her married than perusing her career. I could see that her married life would not be as successful as her professional, but her father chose to ignore it causing stress to the girl both personally and professionally. Some other instances that I would like to mention are ancestral wealth that was lost by some grandparent. The successors bask in the glory of inheritance while ruing over the lost wealth. They find pleasure in mentioning their lineage without working to recreate the lost glory. While it is okay to be driven by emotions, living in a world that is more imaginative than real would make very little sense. Growing self-awareness and drawing inspiration from family stories will help you become a stronger person and improve your relationship with money. However, these tendencies are driven not just by behavioural factors but astrological factors too. The planetary placement in your birth chart promotes a feeling of depression. With the right Astro guide to support you, these anxieties can be addressed effectively.
Respect the power of money
Money commands respect as it is given the status of the Goddess Lakshmi. Your relationship with money depends on how you are treating it. If you are positioning money as an important part of your life, it will be reciprocated. By showing respect and understanding the value of money, you will see how money stays with you all your life. Careful investments, less reliance on gambling or lottery tickets, carrying out well thought and carefully researched prospects that show the possibility of growth, help your money fortune. Hard-earned money is not one that you throw away or misuse. Paying your bills at the right time and not keeping debts, spending according to your earnings, being conscious of your cash in your account and budgeting accordingly, not scattering the loose change around the house, keeping it diligently in one place, all show a healthy attitude towards money. Your attitude towards money pretty much summarises the attitude you have towards yourself. If you are an organized individual, you will first organize your finances. If you are unaware of the amount of cash you have, it shows how little control you have over your life. When you are taking pains and spending a major part of your day working hard to earn money, planning its management well is paying respect to your hard work. Not just your money, but even money left by your parents demands respect. Remember they worked hard to earn it.
Give money to those who are poor and less fortunate
Poor families generally are small and daily wage earners who depend on daily service and daily earnings. The affluent families are working in close association with this poor segment of society. An office boy, house maids, helpers, gardeners could do with your help. As they say, charity begins at home you can start by showing kindness. While it’s great that you are sending huge cheques to worldwide charity, you can add some extra to the wage of these daily helpers especially during their child’s birthdays, if the child has performed well in school, you can reward them or pay them well for extra work.
Also, if the help has worked for you for a long and is nearing an age when they are no longer able to work, sustain their livelihood with a pension. In their free time help them in engaging in some kind of course to strengthen and expand their earning means. You can also pay on a health insurance plan for the house help or take care of the tuition and school fee of their children. These small but meaningful gestures will help you grow as an individual and their good feeling will add to your happiness ensuring that you earn well to look after the less privileged and fortunate members. Your work and good deeds can go a long way. Doing good works strengthens your positive planets and favours your money-earning capacity. Reaching out to Jyotirmoyee Sushmita, a leading Rudraksha consultant in Kolkata, will help you grow a money-positive attitude. Call +91-9315919721 for an appointment today.