Specific prediction for Capricorn is based upon a transit of planets, a strength of planets placed on a natal chart of an individual.
Jupiter will be transiting in the 10th house, Saturn will be transiting in 12th house Rahu and Ketu will be transiting in 7th house and Ascendant respectively.
Ketu is in Capricorn — throughout the year he may feel nervous and tensed due to reasons beyond his control. Ketu is here in a very evil position. You try to avoid situations where failure may occur — finally these are the just guidelines.
Saturn the ruler of your sign is in your 12th house and 2nd house lord also, so there is increased expenditure the native can become penniless.
Although this transit can fell like a lifetime, it’s not, it will pass. So don’t let the depression over you and just go with the flow.
If you are honest and work hard then let the time pass calmly and feel a peace of life.
Jupiter is in 10th house, it aspects on 2nd,4th, and 6th house. It’saspecting on the 4th house means education house, 6th house means competitions house so students will, in general, have a better period.
Students will have to do hard work otherwise results will be poor. If you want to climb the stairs to success then 2018 suggest you concentrate on your studies.
No smooth galling can be expected on your education sector. Those who expect success in competitive exams should give extra effort. You can go to coaching institution for getting suggestion.
You will be exceptionally but throughout the year and your business would block development would be satisfactory in 2018. Jupiter will be present at a position which will benefit you at your work. Promotion and place of job or transfer order are indicated on your career. Try to give the best input as a hard worker, ultimately you must achieve the desired goals.
Jupiter is a guru of all celestial bodies is in 10th house would bless the person with good and variant professional opportunities in life.
Some of you might experience obstacles in u undertakings; problems with your seniors may also be indicated due to the bad effect of SATURN SADE SATI, as the Saturn is transiting in your 12th house.
From April to September you might fulfill your dream of foreign projects. You will surely get a deal from abroad but expect some delays.
If you do business with partners then be careful. Rahu sitting in your partnership house might also create problems in business partnerships.
Similarly, in spite of difficulties, there are possibilities of expansion in business.
You might get some new business prospects and connections abroad now. Don’t borrow the money for investment in new business.
If you are doing grocery business or involved in printing business then you can gain profit from your business.
Capricorns may make some investments in real estate.
Capricorn business performs are advised in the year 2018—– stay away from the depression frustration, roughness and harshness while dealing with customers/clients and use of unethical business.
You may have to pay a large share of your income as the tax which may trap you by the regularity authorities.
Since your SADE SATI may be on give no money on loan to any one.
Don’t be quick to compromise in matters of the heart. Your maturity in expressing your love towards your partner shall favor you and pave way for weddings bells.
A new friendship will be formed in the mid of the year. Friends circle will increase and you will become popular.
Once you win the trust of your life partner, you will find a highly satisfactory life in this year, you should never hide anything from your Spouse which might lead to unnecessary misunderstanding.
The home will be made more entertaining, more of a fun place to be. The home will become more than just a place to live, it will be a place of entertainment.
Capricorns who are planning for having children this year is more fertile.
Capricorns you should be alert because illness can create a major health problem.
Mental health will also need to be looked after in 2018. Don’t lead a stressful life as it might be the cause of the nervous breakdown. So keep an eye on your stress level and stay mentally strong.
However, you will be benefitted with proper exercise and diet.
If mercury the health planet is affected in your birth chart then it causes a nervous breakdown, skin diseases, deafness, epilepsy etc.